Coaching Services

  • Academic Coaching

    Academic coaching involves supporting you with every aspect of your educational experience, including:

    • Establishing reliable systems for completing coursework

    • Learning effective study skills and testing-taking strategies

    • Managing distractions and getting started on your work

    • Learning how to balance academic responsibilities with work, extracurriculars, socialization, and self-care

    It doesn’t make sense to look at your academics in isolation because it doesn’t happen in isolation! The quality of your sleep, what you eat, who you spend time with, the hobbies you have (or don’t have), how much you enjoy (or don’t enjoy) your job - it all affects how you do school. If you want to experience real transformation and find your unique version of success, I encourage you to bring all of this stuff to our sessions.

  • Executive Function Coaching

    Executive Function coaching is heavily focused on time management, productivity, prioritization, organization, and minimizing distractions, but skill development in any/all of the executive functions that live in the pre-frontal cortex of our brain is fair game! Whether or not you have ADHD, and regardless of whether or not you are in school, EF coaching may be just what you need right now.

    Accountability support offered by way of regular check-ins in between sessions is at the heart of EF coaching…it’s when most of your growth and transformation will take place!

    If you’re a student, EF coaching will be integrated with the traditional support offered by academic coaching.

  My Approach

Our work together will begin by identifying your goals and exploring the challenges that led you to seek out my services. We will examine your barriers to success and explore ways in which you can overcome them. I will help you put plans into place based on your strengths, values, and preferences. For extra support with follow-through, we can (and should) schedule accountability check-ins between sessions.

Weekly Sessions

Weekly sessions are recommended if you are new to coaching or haven’t worked with a coach in more than a year. Developing new habits can be hard - having someone to provide you with ongoing support makes it easier. This fee includes 1-2 accountability check-ins between sessions.

45 mins | Once weekly | REQUEST RATE

Biweekly Sessions (Twice Weekly)

Biweekly sessions are best if you need extra support in establishing habits/routines, or if you’d like to improve your study skills and test-taking strategies and we have too much material to cover in one weekly session. This fee includes 1-2 accountability check-ins between sessions.

45 mins | Twice weekly | REQUEST RATE

As-Needed Sessions

As-needed sessions are most appropriate if you’ve already developed reliable systems to manage your work, but you need some fine-tuning or support with follow-through. They are also a good choice if you need help working through a difficult situation that is temporary or related to an isolated incident.
60 mins | As-needed | REQUEST RATE

Parent/Guardian Support Session

If you are a parent or guardian of a coaching client and would like to discuss the client’s goals, progress, or stuck points, you are encouraged to book a support session. If the client is above the age of 17, written consent must be obtained prior to booking the session. Inviting the client to join the session is strongly advised because it will give them an opportunity to practice self-advocacy skills and foster independence. You can either book a 30-minute support session or an extended session for 45 minutes if there is more you’d like to cover.
30 mins. @ $75 | 45 mins. @ $100 | BOOK SESSION

Free Consultation for New Clients

Are you ready to start transforming your life? Click here to schedule a free, 45-minute, consultation so we can talk about your needs in detail and ensure we are a good fit!